Dedicated to the memory of John Joseph Phelan

This site is a tribute to John Joe Phelan, who was born on the 29th March 1943, Co Laois Ireland and died on the 17th February 2025 at Kingston Hospital. He is much loved and will always be remembered.

John Joe Phelan Funeral

Funeral mass is at St. Catherine of Siena Roman Catholic Church on Monday 17th March 2025 at 12pm. There are no web streaming facilities available of the mass but it will be recorded by the family for those unable to attend.

Family flowers only. If you wish to make a donation to Oxfam in lieu of flowers there is a link below. It is a charity John Joe supported during his lifetime. 

Dress optional, no need to wear black.

The committal at the Crematorium is a private ceremony for immediate family only.

A buffet reception has been arranged at The Star for invited friends and family. 

However all other parishioners and friends who knew John are most welcome to join us at The Star where Tea & Coffee will be provided. If you need help with transport to The Star, please let a family member know and we will try to help.


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